Every girl wants the perfect wedding
And every woman wants to think that her wedding was perfect.
Sure there were problems.
The Kadhi we wanted asked somebody else to sub for him. No big deal right, except that he had agreed to be our kadhi on the condition that we hold the majlis at 6pm, which was really very inconvenient for everybody, but we accommodated to his request. And at the last minute he asked the sub to call us to let us know. I suppose we were not "important" enough to merit a phone call from him? But anyway, it turned out to be good thing cos the Kadhi who conducted our majlis was wonderful.
The decor person was really money-minded. He charged my dad extra this and extra that and even swiped my husband's hammer. The decor sucked big time and I ran to my cousin Noni for help. She was wonderful; she bought fresh flowers and really transformed the wedding dais. Even the decor person was shocked when he saw it. I think if you have zero creativity, DON'T go into the decor business!! Oh and he also promised more tables than he delivered. And he promised 2 buffet tables, but only provided one - my poor guests had to queue for the food...
I really wanted a simple wedding, what I got was something else...
I wanted just a simple deejay to play some nice music
I suppose I was not specific enough: I got one that came with karaoke and dancing girls!
I wanted to get up and meet my guests, especially those that I have not met for decades
I had this makcik figure hanging around who forbade this and that. I almost screamed at her - is this my wedding or yours?
I had eyed the ice-cream delivered early in the day
I did not get to taste any.
But there were good memories too
Everybody agreed the food was great
I wanted the traditional bunga telor: pulut kunyit with red egg in a glass, and I got it
I had many relatives who slept over and worked and had loads of fun together - the spirit of gotong royong was really there
And I met many many old friends and I was really happy they came to share my happy day
So my wedding was not exactly perfect, but it was mine and to my mind it was wonderful...
So 2 years down the road I found out someone had bitched about my wedding. And I think, hmmm...
I used to bitch about other people's wedding, but the last time I did that I was, maybe, 12?
I realize that I have not done that in a long while now. I don't scrutinize this and that for the sake of bitching about it.. And the reason is this. Every wedding I have attended is a happy occasion for my friend, the bride or groom, who has graciously invited me to share their special moment, and for whom that special day is, despite all the glitches (if any), the perfect wedding.
And so when I found out about this bitching, I thought, my goodness, what an immature little superficial brat!