
a place to let go...

Location: Singapore

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

mama ikut?

Hari Ahad lalu aku bersama anak2 sedang duduk di meja dapur sambil bersarapan. suamiku sudah pun bertolak ke kerja (Inilah hidup orang bekerja "shift')

Nabilah sedang sibuk mengunyah ayam cutlet KFC dan mengeluarkan sisa2 ayam yang sudah dikunyah tapi tidak tertelan.

Ilyas pula sedang menjamu hash brown KFC. Kemudian dia berkata:

"Mama, abah go work?"

"Ha ah, abah go work."

"Abah work kat airport, aeroplane?"

"Ha ah. Ilyas nak kerja kat aeroplane tak bila Ilyas besar nanti?"

Mukanya menatap wajahku, penuh minat.

"Ilyas nak jadi pilot tak? Boleh fly aeroplane" sambungku lagi.

"Nak! Mama ikut?"

Geli hatiku!

"Ilyas dah besar nanti... Mama tak payah ikut!"


Kebetulan hari itu ada majlis perkahwinan di bawah blok aku. Sewaktu lagu didendangkan buat memeriahkan majlis, Ilyas bertanya, "apa tu mama?"

"Orang kahwinlah. Dulu mama dengan abah kahwin pun macam tu juga.

Nanti Ilyas dah besar pun Ilyas kahwin juga."

Dia diam sejenak mengamati kata2ku.

"Mama ikut?"

Hai.. aku tak tahan lagi. Tercetus tawaku berdekah dekah!

Xmas Tree

Minggu lepas aku dikejutkan bila anakku Ilyas tiba-tiba bersuara berikut:

“Mama, Ilyas nak Xmas tree.”

Aku terangkan padanya kita orang Islam. Tak sambut Xmas. “Jadi tak boleh ada Xmas tree.”

“Boleh” jawabnya.

“Tak boleh,”

“Boleh” katanya beria-ria.

“Mama, Xmas lama lagi eh?”

Aku cakap lagi, kita bukan orang kristian. Tapi aku rasa, mungkin dia belum faham lagi konsep agama.

Aku ceritakan kepada suamiku. Dia cuba terangkan konsep kepercayaan dan ibadat kepada si kecil teruna itu. Aku lihat anakku itu tak faham sangat. Diajak si kecil tu sama-sama sembahyang. Sementara si Abah sedang bersolat, si kecil sibuk menyapu lotion Baby Johnson ke atas cadar yang baru ditukar pagi itu.

Aku buntu. Nak salahkan siapa? Ialah di mana2 pusat membeli belah pada waktu ini sibuk dengan hiasan pokok Xmas, lagu2 Xmas dan hadiah2 menarik di bawah pokok Xmas itu. Sudah tentu si kecil tertarik dan mahu mendapatkan hadiah2 Xmas itu.

Aku sudah juga membaca buku rujukan untuk mendidikkan diri dengan cara terbaik untuk mengasuh dan membesarkan anak2. Tapi belum pula sampai bab yang begini. Kalau ada yang pernah berpengalaman sama, tolong berkongsi ya!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Suami dan diriku sudah mengambil keputusan untuk menghantar anak2 ke taman penjagaan kanak2 (childcare centre). Cherie Hearts di blok sebelah menjadi pilihan.

Sebab2 keputusan kami diambil:

1. Memang susah mengasuh anak2. Kesilapan yang dibuat oleh diri sendiri, sudah banyak. Tapi kalau empunya diri sama2 bekerja, terpaksalah mengambil upah orang mengasuh. Tapi pasti ada2 aje yang tidak disenangi dengan cara orang lain mengasuh anak2 kita. Yalah, jalan terbaik adalah kalau kita sendiri yang mendidik dan menjaga anak2 kita. Malangnya jalan itu tak dapat aku lalui.

2. Sewaktu kita kecil2 dahulu, tidaklah terkongkong seperti budak2 sekarang. Kadang2 aku kasihan juga melihat adik2 lelaki aku yang membesar terkongkong dirumah. Sewaktu aku baru belajar berjalan, sudah liar merayap keluar rumah bersama jiran2 dan sepupu2 ku yang ramai. Seronok sungguh bermain dengan kawan2. aku juga percaya, kebebasan bermain2 waktu kecil2 dulu banyak mencorak sikap dan karakterku kini.

Dan sebenarnya inilah sebab utama kami mengambil keputusan ini. Anak2 aku nampaknya pandai bergaul dan suka bermain dengan kanak2 lain. Aku pasti mereka akan gembira di tempat ramai budak2 lain.

Aku berdoa agar keputusan kami ini tepat dan mendatangkan kebaikan. InsyaAllah.

Nafas Baru

Sudah lama lelaman ini menyepi sendiri
Bernafas baru kini

Senyap diriku lebah kurang setahun setengah
sebenarnya aku ada lelaman baru di multiply
(Senang2 kunjungilah lelaman itu: sweetgrr.multiply.com)
Malangnya lelaman itu pun bukannya banyak sangat aktiviti

Alasanku: Tak ada masa!

Memang betul. Di pejabat aku sibuk dari pagi hinggalah aku akhirnya dapat pulang ke rumah
Teman teman menyapa di MSN pun tidak ku sedari, sehinggalah aku mematikan pc aku.

Di rumah pula, anak sudah dua. Faham2 ajelah.

Friday, April 27, 2007


I used to listen to the morning express at class 95 every morning while heading for work. somehow the songs they are playing these days make me cringe....

so when paris hilton or justin timberlake aired one day, i quickly switched channels.. and being the technology dodos that we are (we never botered to figure out how to preset the radio channels on our car radio), i would just press the seek button to listen to the next available channel..

and voila... i came across a malaysian channel called light fm, 94.6

it plays wonderful music!!! and from 9am to 9.30 am they have a segment called yesterday once more, once more.... where they will play music from a certain year in the past.. and they will normally give some background info on the songs that they play...

a few days ago they played this song... anybody remember this ad?


if you don't (like z).. then you are definitely not a 70s baby!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Update, update

Seems I don't have much time to even check my email these days, let alone blog...

I thought of deleting my blog but my hubs say jangan... sayang... macam banyak memories kat sini... which is kinda true....

Anyway.. updates....

Last night, Ilyas pulled himself up to a standing position in his playpen!!!! All by himself.. and he laughed and laughed in excitement (and glee) when he finally (after minutes of gruntings, wriggling, head banging, butt pointing up into the air, and general irritation that I am not helping him...) managed to get into a kneeling position, reached up to grab the side of the playpen and hauled himself upright!!!

Needless to say, the sides of the playpen was wet after a while (he conveniently used it as a teether...)

(Ilyas is 8 months plus now. He turned 8 months exactly on Raya.)

More updates.... I have shifted office. Ie I changed jobs. After 2 and a half years at the same place, I have finally decided to make the move... and you guys know i hate changes so it must have been something really big to trigger the move.... (actually its an accumulation of small things)...

But now I am having some withdrawal symptoms... You know how it is.. u r at a place, u get used to it, to the people, the system of working, u r in your comfort zone... then u move and have to get used to things all over again.. its hard.

The worse I suppose is that I can't go home on time like I used to anymore. There is always work... sometimes its a battlezone once the clock shows 9 am.. before u can do one thing another more urgent matter needs your attention right now!... and then another, and another.... It is simply exhausting.

Today I had an appointment with the bride to be to get some secret bride things.. ehem ehem.. he he he.. and of course I had to make her wait.. cos something cropped up and I could not leave the office on the dot (and there are still a ton of things to do actually)... and she was fasting too... and of course I reached home really late and my son is already asleep.... I think that I see him too little as it is.... I really really treasure the weekends with him and my nights and mornings spent with him...

Ok enough of my outpourings... I can;t think of a nice sensible way to conclude this entry (brain freeze due to lack of sleep).. so I'll end now.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Revisiting childhood

I have rediscovered the pure joy of watching sesame street. Acually its a show called "Play With Me Sesame". Every morning at 6.30am on Playhouse Disney.

I watch it, only when I am forced to wake up by Ilyas' incessant cries.. I'll take him outside, turn on the telly and he will be so absorbed watching Grover or Bert and Ernie. I absolutely LOVE Bert and Ernie. They are so funny!!!! And somehow Ilyas seems to enjoy them too... (He only watches Play with Me Sesame.. Any other show, like Bob the Builder or Save-Ums.. he will watch when they play the theme song, but will lose interest once the actual show starts)

This morning's show had Bert and Ernie on screen, with Ernie covering his ears with a pair of socks. Bert knows Ernie wants him to ask about the socks but he pretended he was not curious enough but finally gave up and asked what it was all about.

So Ernie says, "Oh its part of a game, Bert"
Bert says "What game?"
"Its a mind reading game. I am thinking of a part of my body that I use to hear but you can't see it because I have covered it up."
Bert said "That's not a game. It's too easy. I know what it is. Your ears!"
Ernie says "Correct." And gleefully pulled off the socks covering his ears.
Bert said "That's too easy to be a game."
Ernie said "Oh but that's only the first part of the game, Bert. There is a second part." And he left the screen and returned with a sock covering his nose.
Bert was quite fed up already "You have got to be kidding me. I already know what you are thinking of."
Ernie said "I am thinking of a part of my body and it starts with N. But you can't see it cos I have covered it up."
Bert says "I know what it is. Your nose!" And he saunters off.
Ernie: "You are wrong, Bert!"
Bert was flabbergasted. "What? Its a part of your body, you have covered it up, and it starts with an N. Its your nose!"
Ernie: "No. Its my neck, see?"

Hee hee hee... I just love the antics of these two...

Which reminds me of the children programmes I used to watch as a child. There was this show I really liked. It's about some plasticine characters who can travel from book to book and enter the land described in the book. I think they live in a study roon with a library, but I also seem to remember some toothbrushes dancing when they play the theme song.. But I can't recall the title of that show!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Wowee.. I've been mia for too long.
I am having a very bad toothache these days. My wisdom tooth is the cause of my grievance. I have been drooling so much I have to swallow my drool every 3 seconds. Now I know how Ilyas must feel. Except he just lets it run freely down his cheeks, neck, clothes... And no, Ilyas has got no teeth yet.. For someone with gallons of drool every minute, I'm a little surprised the pearly whites have not yet made an appearance.

One thing I must talk about... I hate this season of Singapore Idol. I gave up watching it after the first few episodes. I especially hate it when its Jacintha's turn to give her opinion. She looks and sounds like some bimbo with no brains... Urggh! Urggh! And this season of idols have no class lah.. It sounds like some secondary school concert ever week. I rather watch Rockstar Supernova. Good music!

Anyway, now that that is out of my system...

I miss my friends. I think the last time I met up with any one of them was at Ana's bro's wedding.. After that.. zilch... Its a little sad. But I think it's important to get together once in a while... It keeps one sane... So people... please please plan a meet up and please let it happen (jangan last minute dia ni sakit, dia tu cannot make it for some reason or other.. and we don't hear from one another for another 6 months...)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A trip down memory lane

A trip down memory lane
Originally uploaded by pepperMin.
I found this very old photo.. And yes... the tomboy one is moi...

Look how cute Fadil was!!! He he he.. Zahid was looking for himself in the picture.. Oops you were not born yet darling...

And look at Su!!! HA HA HA HA!!! (She's gonna kill me)