
a place to let go...

Location: Singapore

Monday, December 27, 2004

My Fight With the Flab

This is something we "big girls" have in common
Our constant fight with the flab...

My story is a simple one.
I am fat.
Have always been
(And I think) will always be...

Of course definitions of fat varies..
But I really am fat.

Anyway, I managed to shed 20 kilos for my wedding...
Barely 5 months later, I have put back on some of the weight
I am too scared to weigh myself to find out exactly how much.
But to those who think I am paranoid...
My once ultra loose pants are now ultra tight...

So I am fighting it... I try my very best to jog in the morning...
Its a battle with my sub-conscious every morning before I wake up.
My dreams tell me I have already gone jogging..
And by the time I really wake up.. its too late to do so ...

But this morning I won! yippee...
I just hope I'll win the war..

It does not help that I have a sweet tooth...
Especially for chocolate...
So its a yo-yo effect..

Another effect of this battle with the flab...
I cannot gauge accurately what clothes will fit me...
I bought a pair of jeans yesterday (without trying them on)
I thought it was my size...
But I can't zip it up...
I am positive it would have fit me back in July
Oh woe...!

So now my new goal is to fit into my new jeans..
he he he..
My battle goes on!

Wet Wild Fun

Had a fantastic time at Wild Wild Wet on Christmas Day!!!

I'm now burned.. I look like a roasted lobster...
My dearest family prefer the term "udang bakar"...

My face is peeling... My hubby has ultra red shoulders...
Zahid seems to have just tanned.....
*now i'm all christmassy... just turned green with envy*

But I think it was all worth it... kinda expensive to get in...
And on Christmas day the crowd was just overwhelming..
There was a long queue to buy tickets..
Another long queue to get in...
Another long queue to try the rides....

But it was pretty shiok!
I had fun fun fun!!!

After four hours, hunger pangs...
Then we ate ate ate..

And afterwards slept slept slept..

Now that's what I call a holiday!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Singapore Idol

I heard over the radio one day: Class 95 morning show...
A caller had spoken some idiotic things about women drivers
And he was not very eloquent (and so cannot argue his case well)
And Glenn went : I know who is this.. Sylvester right?? Don't call lah, brader brader...
No matter how many times you call, I will never vote for you....

The fed up caller couldn't be bothered anymore..

I laughed and laughed... really tickled my funny bones lah!