
a place to let go...

Location: Singapore

Saturday, February 26, 2005


I had a shock this morning
Stepped on my sister's brand new digital weighing scale
And found out that I have put on
ever since I was discharged from hospital in January..

Oh woe!!!

I had good intentions to diet in the beginning of the month..
But my red blood cell count was a bit low, so the Doc advised me
to eat more iron-rich food.
Which meant more red meat (mostly fried), and oyster (i.e. fried oyster omelete)
And to add more flab...
I've been digging in to the pizza at Sarpino's pizzeria (East Point Mall) with a vengeance

It's really really tasty.. Much better than pizza hut or canadian-2-in-1..
I never thought I was a pizza fan...
But this week.. I had pizza on Wednesday.. and again yesterday!!!!

Oh woe!.. My expanding waistline!

Monday, February 21, 2005

my ego speaking

I was reading purple's blog
And how she is obsessing about getting pregnant.
I think the obsession is infectious...

I went to a friend's function, for her first born, yesterday.
There were babies galore...
I was tired, or so I told myself
It was either that, or I've really been infected by purple's "disease"
I hope my despondency that day is caused by the former

It didn't help that while I was carrying another friend's baby,
Her grandmother frantically signalled me to let her have the kid
"Takut jatuh" or "I'm afraid she'll fall"
She told me
My mood was gone for the day.

I certainly felt insulted
Perhaps I looked a trifle awkward carrying the baby...
Does that equate to.. I'm not meant to be a mother...?
I know it does not.
But sometimes it is hard to be rational when you are feeling down.

I was doubly insulted that she thought I could let the kid drop.
I've taken care of 2 babies in my lifetime
One of my brothers was born when I was eight, the other when I was seventeen...
Of course I know enough not to let any baby fall...

And if I didn't have any such experience
Common sense would tell you to give the baby up if you can't handle one
Or are too afraid to do so...
I wouldn't have let the baby fall...
And I think it very insulting to tell an adult holding your child "don't drop her"
Didn't know that it bothered me that much.