
a place to let go...

Location: Singapore

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Under the Weather

We have been ill lately
My poor son got his first taste of the flu (Alhamdulillah there was no fever).
At first I thought I had passed it to him (as I had just recovered from one myself).
But then Ilyas sneezed into my face
And I got sick all over again.

So the culprit must be my sister
(Who was sniffling away when she played with him some time back)

Kesian dengar dia batuk you!
And there was one morning we woke up to find dried green snot around his nose! MasyaAllah!

But he is better now (although still coughing and puking out flam)

Oh and he has learned to turn over...
Yesterday I placed him in his baby gym on the floor while I rushed to cook dinner (this normally keeps him quiet for about half hour max)

Soon I heard him cry...

"Ok, ok.."

And I found him face down, with his butt jutting out into the air, struggling to lift his head and free his hands. Ha Ha Ha! So cute!!

(This morning he managed to lift his head. Hooray!! I rushed for the camera but all the shots were blurry.. shucks...)


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