
a place to let go...

Location: Singapore

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Just an anecdote

I was thinking about what fun we had last Thursday. First, Z and I had lunch (and came back to the office late again, as usual, of course)... Then, after work, we met up, and travelled by MRT to my aunt's place, to pick up the brownies we had ordered for Ana and Sal's (belated) birthdays.

It really brought back memories, when we bunked together at my aunt's place during final year NUS. We laughed and laughed, and literally got tired laughing....

We gorged on fried macaroni and curry puffs.. (Again, this was so reminiscent of how we used to eat and eat and eat back then). Then my husband came and off we went to deliver the brownies.

Ana was down with the flu, poor thing. So we told her, we will just drop it off, you go ahead to bed.
But when we got there, with my hubs waiting in the car, Ana's mom jemput masuk, and Humairah was wide awake and so we couldn't resist. We picked her up...
Ana's Mom: Nak air?
Us: Tak pe cik, kita sekejap ajer, suami Min tunggu kat bawah.
Ana's Mom: Ok..
(Baby with Min, then I gave to Z.)
Z: Haa.. I scared to hold her...
Ana's Mom: Dah besar, apa nak takut. Dah 7 bulan. Kalau baby bolehlah takut.
(Z accepts Humairah).
Ana's mom (talking to Ana's maid): Ambilkan air.
Us: Takpe cik, takpe. Kita nak cepat.
(Z passes baby back to me).
(This went on a few more rounds. Maid made the drinks anyway.. Apparently we were not leaving so soon! Ha ha ha...)
(Z drinks first. Then I pass baby back to her, so I can drink)
Min: Ok let's go.
(Z passes baby back to me)
(I hold her a while, then pass baby to Z. And this goes on an infinite number of times...)
(Finally, Ana woke up.. Oh dear, we made so much noise and stayed too long!)
He he he....

But it really felt like we did not spend enough time with Humairah. At seven months, she's very active, and super cute! Sigh.....


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