
a place to let go...

Location: Singapore

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Final Stretch

I have officially started my maternity leave today. Actually my EDD is 1 March, so there is still some 2 weeks to go. But I decided to take some time off to relax and rest before my lil one decides to make an appearance...

Slept most of the morning away. Then realised.. hey, everybody's at work. What should I do to entertain myself?

First I bloghopped. Found the blogs of some people I recognised from secondary school and JC (but I was never really actually friends with them, although I think they will recognise me as well). Found out one is expecting twins (oh wow! Congrats and good luck!) and the other has happily delivered.

Then I whipped out this "What to Expect When You are Expecting" book that my colleague had lent to me (and which I had finished reading when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant). I flipped to Chapter 13: The Ninth Month, looked at the column that states "What you may be feeling" and realised, the book is describing me.

For example:
- changes in foetal activity: more squirming, less kicking. check.
- heavier vaginal discharge. check.
- constipation. actually I don't have constipation anymore.
- heartburn. not anymore.
- indigestion. check.
- flatulence, bloating. oh yeah man.
- occasional headaches, faintness, dizziness. nope
- nasal congestion, nosebleeds, ear stuffiness. check.
- bleeding gums. nope.
- leg cramps during sleep. if the book means simpul biawak type of cramps, i actually hardly get it anymore. Z actually has no idea what a simpul biawak is. Lucky person! (although she has seen me wake in the middle of the night screaming in pain, and quickly pacing around the room to get rid of the pain. he he he... I remember she panicked and freaked out! ha ha ha..)
- increased backache and heaviness; increased swelling of ankles and feet and hands and face. oh man. this is the reason why i have taken time off from work!
- increased need to urinate after the baby "drops" into pelvic cavity. Soo true! Its like u have to go to the loo every 10 minutes or else you r going to embarass yourself!

Anyway I am actually feeling very excited. Restless, cannot wait to meet my baby type of feeling. I had hoped my baby would show up today (its my dad's birthday today) but he has decided not to make an appearance so soon... oh well.. in the meantime, I have decided to stay active and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy in relative decadence... hee hee hee...


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